Convert your logo to BIMI friendly SVG
Free conversion of PNG/JPG/JPEG/WEBP image to SVG Portable/Secure format required by BIMI
Conversion involves the next steps:
- Upload your logo image (PNG, WEBP, JPEG and JPG formats supported)
- Cut a square part of it. BIMI logo has to be square and should have no text
- Add text (typically your organization name), it will be invisible part of your logo SVG file, BIMI requirement
- Press Convert button
- Our convertor will vectorize your logo, convert it into SVG and add meta information required (text title)
- Download your BIMI compatible SVG logo
Image to SVG Tiny 1.2 convertor
Your SVG logo title:
Your Brand/Organization

BIMI recommends logo file to be under 32 Kb. While we do our best to make the logo within this limit, with very complex source image it may not work. So if you are getting converted logo over 32 Kb try to simplify your source file - remove unnecessary details from it.
What is BIMI?
BIMI stands for Brand Indicator for Message Identification. It is a specification that allows adding a logo to email messages your organization sends. Recipients of the messages who use BIMI-friendly email clients will see it next to the message. It will increase the level of trust and hence email open rate.
About the project
Free service is developed and supported by Magenable - eCommerce consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia, expert in Adobe/Magento and BigCommerce platforms
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